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Hire of the outdoor manège 40 x 70m

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The outdoor manège has 40 x 70m dimensions, special surface (geotextile, sand), it is fenced and equipped with lighting, sound system and irrigation system, and material for jumping. Maximum of 5horses per hour.


  • Every 10th hour is free of cost
  • Quantity discounts (the prices are negotiated individually depending on the frequency of prepaid hours)
  • Discounts for the members of the breeder association and friends of Kisberi horses
  • Discounts for advertising partners
  • Possible hire of advertisement spaces
  • Payment based on invoice–always in advance (for payment details see Contacts)
  • Cash payment prior to the lesson to be handed over to responsible person on the premises


Hire of the arena and outdoor manège for non-stabled horses

Maximum 4 horses in the arena, 5 horses in the outdoor manège.
Basic rules: The used material for jumping has to be put back to its place after the lesson; the riders leave no litter after themselves and their horses – (plastics, droppings etc. have to be put into dedicated vessels not only in the arena and manège but also on the roads and plots of land within the premises); smoking is prohibited on the entire premises exclusive of designated areas; time schedule has to be adhered to - 1 hour includes the preparation of the horse prior to and after riding and preparation and removal of jumping material; all points of the Code of Conduct of the Equestrian Centre have to adhered to; payment is based on invoice and settled beforehand or prior to the reserved hour. Possible damage has to be reported to the custodian. The keeper accepts no responsibility for injuries of riders or horses within the premises – everybody has to be mindful of his/her safety; also the keeper accepts no responsibility for losses of personal property of the riders moving around the horse-riding premises. Entry under influence of alcohol and drugs is strictly prohibited.

Horse-riding instructions: Horses in the same current of traffic meet at the left hand, the horse in the quicker traffic takes precedence;more experienced riders are regardful to less experienced or beginners; entry or departure has to be reported prior to entry into the arena or departure.

For current prices please consult the price list.

Podle zákona o evidenci tržeb je prodávající povinen vystavit kupujícímu účtenku. Zároveň je povinen zaevidovat přijatou tržbu u správce daně online; v případě technického výpadku pak nejpozději do 48 hodin.
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Jezdecký areál, Hostinův Důl  351, Tršice

Reception / booking: +420 585 413 111
Custodian: +420 607 180 544

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